Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Candy and other insanity


We're in high gear for our biggest fundraiser of the summer. We're selling candygrams in the back of Annenberg for a week and then door dropping them to summer high school students. That means we're postering the yard and that I'm going to have the amazing temptation to eat all of our candy before we deliver it all week. mmmm. candy! This also means that I get to deal with amazingly zealous high-schoolers all week. yay!

We also might have an in for one of our guests at a great transitional program in Cambridge this week. The only issue is who to give the spot to- not an easy question since they might not all be interested and if they are there is more than one qualified applicant = semi- pickle for Judy and I. Also, realizing this week that we don't have adequate addiction counseling in place to advise us has been really frustrating. It's not an issue I enjoy dealig with on the fly, though I made an inspired call to a particular service provider in the area who has been an incredible help and inspiration. So yeah- I'm learning.

Also today- HUGE HUGE grant application due by the end of the day- ACK! It should be alright, but I'm anxious about it.

This week has also been really difficult on another level entirely. I have a friend who needs a lot of help, but isn't able to accept it from anyone. This week I've told him that though I want to be there for him, I can't be the only resource he takes advantage of. The whole thing has put me under a lot of strain and I don't know whether this tough love stance is best for him or not, only that I can't be responsible for him alone when the stakes are so high. Grrr.

In simple terms- it feels like I may be losing a best friend for a while and that sucks big time. I feel pretty helpless about the situation.



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